
Logo Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Learning Environment

MATLAB Support


MATLAB TA helps you to use MATLAB/Simulink in your learning, research, and extracurricular activities.
We answer any questions from students and faculty members about MATLAB and Simulink from setup to advanced use in research.

Please visit our office or contact us via e-mail / google form to get the support.


Office Hours




We hold office hours on weekdays in class period!

(We will close office hours if the Tokyo Tech class schedule is closed.)

2024 2Q: From Jun. 10th to Aug. 6th
Time Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri.
12:30 – 14:00   Zoom Zoom   TakiPlaza/Zoom
16:30 – 18:00       TakiPlaza/Zoom  

Contact us

We reply as soon as possible during office hours. In case you do not receive any response for 3-4 days, please contact us again.
For Hangouts, we are only available during the office hours.

・Google Form:  

・E-mail : sim_edu[at] ([at] -> @)

・Google Hangouts :[at]

・X (Twitter) : @MATLAB_titech


If you ask questions via e-mail, please describe them in detail.
For example, the following information will help us to answer the question correctly.

・MATLAB version (and/or the output of “ver” command)
・OS version
・Error message (do not modify; copy and paste it)


We do not necessarily have specific knowledge about your subject. Please isolate the problem on MATLAB and Simulink so that we can quickly resolve it.

You can also refer to our FAQ here (in Japanese) or instructions on TAH license provided by GSIC (here).