



Information about the MATLAB Seminar for Faculty

The CITL will hold a seminar in the afternoon of Tuesday, August 25, 2015 for experiencing MATLAB. Intended for beginners, it will provide hands-on experience with an emphasis on basic operations. As the seminar will move slowly, it is good for those who have never worked with MATLAB; for those who have, but are stuck; and those who could not make the previous seminar. Please do not hesitate to join us!
In addition, as a condition for joining this seminar, you should install and launch MATLAB in advance on your PC. We will be holding two identical sessions (A and B), so please pick the one that is most convenient for you.

8/25 MATLAB Workshop
(Session A)1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
(Session B)4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
West Bldg. 9, Rm. 213 (CITL Training Room)
・Those who are interested in MATLAB or who have little or no experience with MATLAB
・Those who have participated in a previous seminar, but would like to try MATLAB again
・Desktop screens and matrix-vector basic operations
・Import, visualization, and analysis of data
Requirements for Participation
You must have MATLAB installed and running on your PC.
Please see the following webpage for more information about licensing, downloading, installing and support for MATLAB:
・It may take up to three business days for GSIC to process your request, so plan in advance.
・Please install all 50 default products.
・To access the self-study resources, you must have Google Chrome installed on your computer.
How to Apply
Please send an email with the following information to Professor Matsuzawa or Mr. Okita: your affiliation, your desired session (A or B), and any special items you wish to be addressed. If there are too many individual items to be addressed, special arrangements will need to be made.