


Tokyo Tech MOOC Forum 2017開催のお知らせ

MOOC madness began in 2012 and five Japanese universities have joined edX since then.

This Forum brings together the edX member universities to share best practices and plans for the future. Please join us for an interactive and engaging afternoon discussion.

Details and application form

= Teaching in English Seminar =

The teaching in English Seminar is a held periodically to promote teaching in English by international experts. We are pleased to welcome Dr. Grace Lyo from Stanford, who will lead a workshop for faculty on creating online or blended learning courses.

“From ideation to innovation: how to create an online or blended course”

Lecturer: Ms. Grace Lyo
Ph.D., Director of Digital Learning Innovations, Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, Stanford University
Target Participants: Faculty and Teaching related staff
Day and Time: Mar.9(Thu) 14:00-15:00
Venue: CITL Seminar Room (W9-213, Ookayama campus)

For seminar abstract and application form (Tokyo Tech faculty only)
Details and application form