


CITL Symposium 2018


Creating Learning Experiences with Graduate Students: Beyond TAs

In this Symposium, the speakers and the participants will discuss the following issues: Graduate students’ involvement in the process of creating learning experiences for university students to be active learners, and the role of graduate students in future university education.

CITL Symposium 2018 flyer【PDF】


January 30, 2019

Registration 13:30-14:00

Symposium 14:00-17:50


Multi-Purpose Digital Hall and Media Hall (West Bldg. 9, Floor 2), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Ookayama)

Intended Audience

Faculty members, staff, students at Tokyo Tech and other universities


13:30~14:00   Registration

14:00~15:00   Poster & Discussion Session

The five invited speakers also join the poster & discussion session.

Posters by Tokyo Tech: Active Learning, Creativity Development Courses,
HAPPIER, Institutional Research, OEDO, CITL

Posters by other universities and colleges: Kyushu Institute of Technology,
Hiroshima University, International Christian University, Seikei University,
Yokohama College of Commerce

Poster session guide 2018【PDF】

15:00~15:05   Opening Ceremony

15:05~16:05   KEYNOTE SPEECH(Simultaneous Interpretation Available)


Marcia Yonemoto, Ph.D.
(Professor of History and Director of the Graduate Teacher Program at the University of Colorado Boulder)

Preston Cumming, Ph.D.
(Lead Coordinator of the Graduate Teacher Program at the University of Colorado Boulder)

Mark Pleiss, Ph.D.
(Lead Coordinator of the Graduate Teacher Program at the University of Colorado Boulder)

Speech Title: “The Graduate Teacher Program: Past Developments and Future Prospects”

GTP(Graduate Teacher Program)Website

16:05~16:30   CASE 1(Simultaneous Interpretation Available)


Machi Satou (Associate Professor, Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University)

Speech Title: “Hirodai TAs: Toward the collaboration among students, TAs, and faculty members for the creation of learning experiences”


16:30~16:55   CASE 2(Simultaneous Interpretation Available)


Masao Murota (Professor and Associate Dean, Institute for Liberal Arts, Tokyo Tech)

Speech Title: “Graduate Student Assistant (GSA) Program”

GSA (Graduate Student Assistant) Program Website (Japanese only)

17:00~17:40   ROUND TABLE(Simultaneous Interpretation Available)

The five speakers will exchange views and opinions with the floor on the themes of the Symposium.

Moderator: Gaku Tanaka (Professor, CITL)

17:40~17:50   Closing Ceremony


Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning(CITL)


e-mail:citl_sympo[at] (Please replace “[at]” to “@”. )

[reference]2017 CITL Symposium